Upon seeing the film, "What the Bleep Do We Know?"

(We know a lot. You haven't been listening)

By Larry White
June 25, 2011

    Over the history of the earth God has developed a perspective for us of a knowledge and understanding that is readily available and is couched in a language that all humanity can grasp, in concepts that are accurate, that hold to the mind's eye a true vision of reality. This is like Paul's statement in 1Cor.2:12-13

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God; which things also we speak, not in words taught by man’s wisdom but taught by the Holy Spirit, applying spiritual things with spiritual men.

    Understanding, is the grasping of reality beyond the words. The words that help our thoughts relate to reality is a construct to portray the truth in mental pictures and concepts that offer an accurate vision, so that one can grok, i.e. understand the relationship of the parts, (and so achieving a complete intuitive understanding and perception of the whole) so that we can draw conclusions that are not specified but necessarily follow from the words, and can be supported by the words that are given.

    For many people, when God's word is read, it is so familiar that it loses meaning to the hearer altogether. God called this "dull of hearing". What the teacher can do is illuminate and illustrate the message for the dull mind in a different form. When the teacher has a clear picture of reality in mind, the words can be paraphrased and the vocabulary can be changed temporarily for illumination; what preachers call homily. The truth can therefore be seen temporarily through another construct. This is necessary due to the familiarity of the original construct to which the hearers may have become inured.

    With understanding, the teacher is then in a position to accommodate other words and languages with which the hearer may be more familiar. The Lord used this method to perfection in his parables and dark sayings, sometimes to illuminate reality and bring understanding, but sometimes to obscure the truth so it was only available to those who had "ears". A bad construct, on the other hand, is borne of misunderstanding reality.

    If one has the real truth, then there is no truly scientific fact that can contradict it. The discoveries of science can only support and never disparage reality, unless the scientist is lying or faking the results, which sadly they are prone to do.

    Therefore it should be possible to teach the gospel truth to a scientist with his own words, if what he has discovered is accurate and true. Therefore the "Holographic Universe" construct, if it is an accurate description of reality, can be used to bring a physicist to a faith in Christ who is the one through whom all things were created; all things both by him and for him; and it is by him that all things consist, i.e. hold together or continue to be. (Col.1:16-17) He is the one behind Zero Point Energy. He is the vast mind from which all matter is willed into being.

Heb. 11:3
By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word
of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.

    The Hologram analogy in this model, is "The Machine", or the "creation" and the "creature", which we are not to worship (worship meaning being attached to, caring for, setting our affection on, making it the end all - the goal).
    Love is the true path. Our relationship with the creative source (or God), being himself loving, is the way to Life.
    It is the same thing I tell astrologers. Sure, there is some validity to the Zodiacal signs and I enjoy seeing the accuracy in the descriptions of personality types, but I recognize this knowledge as a study of  "The Machine", it is part of the creation. Looking into how the creator accomplished the "how" and the "where" we live and even the "who" of what we are is not a bad thing in and of itself. The bad thing is to make His artistry our god. The creation was made for us. (Isaiah 45:18) We inhabit it. We can modify it. But we are not it, neither is the creative source (God). Like our creator, our minds or spirits live outside of time and space.
We are not Time or Space, (and as an aside, this may have something to do with the main paradoxes of quantum physics and the effect our minds have on particles by simple observation). Consciousness can affect matter because consciousness is in essence immaterial.
    Looking at the things that were made by God should make us appreciate His eternal power and divinity. To make the mistake of animism or pantheism is borne of denying the revelation of His being, plus our own nature and is, in the end, a great lack of humility.

    To have the knowledge of the truth would be to know God. And knowing God must be according to his manifest nature of love. If you do not love God then you do not know him.

    The Corinthians in the first century church were all caught up in modifying the Hologram, their ability to work "miracles", but look at what the apostle Paul tells them.

Though I speak with the languages of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all the mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.

If we want spiritual maturity, if we want to be divine adults in the universe mirroring the creator's image, then love is the more perfect way.

The attitude portrayed in this film bordered on a vicious hatred of God evidenced by the attitude of Judy Knight in her role as "Ramtha".

The fundamental problem for an evil person, is that she is not God.


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